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Zip Socks - Zipper Compression Socks Stockings with Open Toe..More




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Product Description

GRADE COMPRESSION : These 15-20 mmHg Zipper Compression Socks Offers True Graduated Compression To Provide Therapeutic Pressure As It Helps To Decrease In Leg Fatigue, Aching Feet, And Swollen Ankles.
MEDICAL FUNCTIONS??elief From Moderate To Severe Varicose Veins And Swelling, Edema, Lymphedema, Venous Insufficiency, Superficial Thrombophlebitis. Helps Reduce Muscle Soreness and Fast Recovery From Tired Legs.
ADJUSTABLE SIZE: With a Strong Built In Zipper To Secure A Snug Fit. Stays In Place As It Prevents From Unzipping Even During Movement Throughout The Day.
SUITS FOR MEN AND WOMEN??This compression socks Fit for Running, Nurses, Shin Splints, Flight Travel, & Maternity Pregnancy. Boost Stamina, Circulation, & Recovery.The Pressure Gradient From These Sleeves Helps Boost Blood Circulation During Those Times When Your Standing Or Sitting On An Extended Amount Of Time.
REDUCES LEG FATIGUE - Therapeutic 15-20 mmHg Hosiery Pressure Helps to Support Aching Legs Calf and Feet and Swollen Ankles. Made With Fabric To Provide Strong Durable Use. Will helps Promotes Air Circulation To Improve Performance

Soft, Breathable, and Ultra-Comfortable for Intense Physical Activity or Long Periods of Use, Allowing You to Focus on What's Important to You. Increased Blood Flow and Circulation Reduce Shin Splints, Leg Pain, and Swelling Helping You Go Further, for Longer, with Faster Recovery and Reduced Injury. Boosts Blood Circulation-The Pressure Gradient from These Sleeves Helps Boost Blood Circulation During Those Times When Your Standing or Sitting on an Extended Amount of Time. the Compression Sleeve Helps Aid Blood Flow and Allows Circulation Throughout the Leg. This decrease in pressure can reduce the venous return of the lower extremities and effectively relieve or improve the pressure. The segmented pressure promotes a more comprehensive flow of our blood cells. Our compression technology (15-20mmHg) provides the ideal compression to provide the maximum boost to your blood circulation. Stimulates blood flow and improves oxygen delivery to your muscles. This equals faster recovery and better performance. Reduces foot and leg swelling, lactic acid production, and cramping.

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Product Information




Deck & Joy

Care Instruction

Hand Wash Only

Material Type 1

Made With High Quality Fabric To Provide Strong Durable Use


Zipper Compression Socks OffersIt Helps To Decrease In Leg Fatigue, Aching Feet, And Swollen Ankles

Specific Instructions

Warmness And Enhance Blood Moving Through Your Legs

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